
> 사업단구성 > 조직도

연구실명 홈페이지주소 지도교수 이메일
NSL (Networked Systems Lab) http://nsl.kumoh.ac.kr 김동성 dskim@kumoh.ac.kr
WENS (Wireless and Emerging Network System Lab) http://wens.re.kr  신수용 wdragon@kumoh.ac.kr
IRaC (Intelligence Robotics and Control Lab) https://iraclab.kumoh.ac.kr 박범용 bumyong.park@kumoh.ac.kr
CIS (Connected Intelligent Systems Lab) - 이동현 donglee@kumoh.ac.kr
AISL (Autonomous Intelligent Systems Lab) http://aisl.kumoh.ac.kr 이헌철 hclee@kumoh.ac.kr
CML (Computational Medicine Lab) https://sites.google.com/snu.ac.kr/cml 임기무 kmlim@kumoh.ac.kr
BITS (Biomedical Imaging, Therapeutics and Sensing Lab) https://sites.google.com/site/sewoon 최세운 sewoon@kumoh.ac.kr